E-Bike, Golf & Trolley Batteries, Cases

Lithium Guys



Here, in this section you will find all our used EBike, golf cart, and mobile power packs that we have selected as suitable for spare parts and can be used for rebuilds, repair parts, and new projects by all DIY groups of project builders, hobbyists, solar creators, and inventive clients alike.

You should find all the hard-to-get Bits & Pieces that are out of production, from golf cart battery cases, mobile battery cases, even some underwater battery packs, racks, cases, complete cases ready to be reworked, plugs, sockets, switches, BMS, locks, clips. Fuel gauges, etc.

If you are lucky, some batteries may be ready to go.


We do NOT capacity test these batteries, we simply run a Multimeter over them and report accordingly. What you see is what you get, so please check carefully that what you choose will fit your needs.

"Please," don't ask us to strip out any one particular part as time is something we don't have.

If you need more info on the item, drop us a line at customercare@lithiumguys.com or call 0411 166 049.

Happy Hunting Recycler's……..